Tuesday 2 April 2013

So I finished my second work placement a few days ago, & I think I've just about recovered!  A few aches here & there, & my hands are still a little sore, but I've gotten back into non-bakers hours pretty easily.

That last week at Holtwhites Bakery was much more hectic than the previous three, with much longer days; in fact, I think I worked a 11.5hr shift three of the five days!

We had 20 Simnel cakes to bake & decorate, on top of everything else, so of course that extended the days.  But they did look marvellous, & all of them sold, so it was definitely worth it!  =)

Then of course, we had Good Friday, & 1,000 Hot Cross Buns to deal with!  The prospect of making 1,000 Hot Cross Buns was a little daunting, especially as the most we'd made in a day prior to that was 210, but we were all fairly determined to see it done  =)

It involved an earlier start for everyone, & a fair bit of planning, but by the time I came in at 3am, the first batch of dough was well into it's bulk fermentation, & by 4am we'd scaled & shaped the first 6oo.

This was the proving cupboard, full from top to bottom, & that wasn't even all of them!

Once the first 600 were happily proving, the second batch of 400 was ready to scale & shape.  The team worked really well together, & we were able to keep up with demand for buns once the shop had opened.  We'd sold out by 2.45pm!

We had a rather ingenious playlist of songs to keep us going through the toughest parts of the morning, & it really did help!  The gang had a number of little tunes they sang around the Bakery, depending on the task at hand, like singing "Wholemeal Sponge" to the tune of "Girls on Film", & "Give me Rye, Give me Sweet Deli Rye" to the tune of the chorus of Fleetwood Mac's "Little Lies", things like that.  So of course the playlist included those little gems, & a few others! 

I still find myself singing or humming them now... Another little souvenir to take back to School with me next week!  =D

Saturday's shift was slightly less stressful, with just 700 Hot Cross Buns to make.  It was a rather more emotional day though, my last shift with the Bakery...

We had a lovely last breakfast at the pub, & then it was time for folks to start heading home... I had hugs from all the gang, & I might have gotten a wee bit teary... =)

It's silly really, I suppose, but when you spend four weeks working in a place, you get attached to it, & the people you work with.  Especially when the people are so lovely, friendly & funny, & make it so easy to fit in...

It was hard work, long hours & physically demanding, but I honestly loved every minute of it, & I'm very much looking forward to getting back to School!  Although of course, I'm going to take full advantage of the remaining few days of holiday to relax & sleep & catch up with family, & my lovely young man   =)

Might even get in a spot of baking while I'm at it!  ;)

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