Saturday 15 June 2013

Back to School Time!

Well, after a seemingly endless train journey (5 hours & 22 minutes of sitting on trains & at train stations really does seem endless...) I'm back from Dunbar!

It's been an interesting & tiring couple of weeks, & if I'm honest, not my favourite. 

Dunbar is a nice enough little town, there isn't a great deal there, but the harbour, castle ruins & seaside are all very picturesque  =)

The tide went out quite a way, so there were some great rock pools, with lots of little fishes.

This was the view of the harbour, from one side at least.  If you looked straight down, you could see all the lobster pots, some of them even had lobsters in them!  It was quite cool  =)

And this was the view out to sea from the top of the castle ruins!  There's not much left of the castle, but its still quite cool  =)

I went into Edinburgh one afternoon, with Natalie & her friend Lily, where I was introduced to shopping...  Now, of course I've been clothes shopping before, but usually with a specific item of clothing in mind.  I've never really had a lot of girl friends, so the practise of wandering round shops just trying things on for the sake of it is quite unusual, to say the least!  But I think I got the hang of it in the end; even bought a t-shirt!

I went back into Edinburgh on Sunday, to be a bit more touristy.  It's a lovely city, & there were lots of street performers out & about, so it made it quite entertaining to wander around.

This chap was quite entertaining!  Not quite sure who was operating the strings, or wires, or however it worked, but it was fun  =)

I found the castle too!  Spent a couple of hours wandering round there too, & I saw the Scottish crown jewels (but we weren't allowed to take pictures...) & the views were quite spectacular.

Afterwards, I went for a walk round Princes Street Park, & had an ice cream in the sunshine  =)

This was the view of the castle from the park; quite impressive in the sunlight  =)

And this was a fairly awesome Gothic style structure, built in the name of some chappie whose name I can't recall... Apparently you can walk to the top & see all of Edinburgh  =)

As for my time at the bakery... I didn't have the best time in all honesty... The people are lovely; Ross & Natalie are great to work with, it's just that the bread wasn't quite my sort of thing really...

They do a lot of tin bread, which is fine, but they use shortening, & that's really not my idea of good bread!  They do a fairly restrained selection of breads as well.  I think they'd like to do more, & do different sorts as well, but they're governed by the committee, & obviously, if the customers aren't keen on different sorts of bread then there wouldn't be much point...

This last week I was on days, working with Ross.  I had hoped to learn lots about how they make all the fancy cakes & tartlets, but sadly there wasn't much to do, so I didn't get to make any!  I did get to make lemon cream, raspberry mousse, confit some lemon peels & decorate the milk chocolate & tonka bean mousse's, but that was it...   Didn't do a single macaroon or eclair either!

But that's that.  I've only got two weeks left at School, & I think they're going to be fairly stressful!

We've got three days next week to practise our assessment recipes, then there are Business Pitch presentations to get out of the way, & one last essay to write, then that's it... All over...

It's crazy to think how fast the last 10 months have gone past, & we've all learnt so much...

I'll do a proper reflection of my time once it's all actually over, but for now, I'm going to relax, drink lots of tea, & perhaps tinker with a recipe or two...  =)

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